Thank You For Music

The song Thank You for Music is a meaningful way to close music therapy sessions, fostering gratitude, connection, and reflection. By thanking one another by name, participants feel seen and valued, reinforcing positive social interactions and a sense of community. This ritual creates a predictable and calming transition that helps kiddos process the end of the session while engaging in meaningful communication through music.

Beyond the session, families can extend the therapeutic benefits by incorporating the song’s structure into daily routines. For example, singing, “Thank you for dinner,” or “Thank you for playtime,” can turn into everyday moments into opportunities for connection and expression. This practice helps build language skills, strengthens family bonds, and provides children with a familiar, soothing framework for participating in shared activities. Over time, children may begin to anticipate these moments or even initiate their own versions, fostering independence and creativity.

We use this song to end our sessions and thank one another by name. We encourage families to incorporate the pattern of this song into everyday activities such as, "Thank you for dinner."

We have a video example of this song with some sign language in our outreach series. This song is available for purchase as a single or with the entire album here: and is available for streaming on all the usual platforms.


Expectant Waiting