The Hello Song for Therapy
The Hello Song is track #1 on Songs For Kids on the Autism Spectrum. A greeting song can be a powerful tool in music therapy for nonverbal kids on the autism spectrum. We typically begin both our group and individual sessions with this Hello Song. It creates a predictable and welcoming structure, helping kids feel safe and engaged. It's a great way to encourage everyone to settle down and acknowledge one another. If every session begins with this song, it becomes a recognizable prompt that invites group members to sit and start the class. It also allows the therapist the opportunity to assess the level of verbal, physical, and social engagement of every group member. Through repetition, it supports communication by encouraging eye contact, gestures, or vocalizations, even in small ways.
This Hello Song includes space to sing the names of two different group members, creating moments of individual recognition and connection. Please fill in the blank with the names of group members and facilitators. Hearing their names sung helps kids feel included and valued while also encouraging social engagement as they begin to anticipate and respond to each other’s turns. It’s more than just a greeting - it’s a chance to grow together.
Tips for Facilitators: If you have a guitar and can strum some D, G, A7 (I, IV, V7) chords, sit in the middle of the group to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Start with, “Hello, everybody” for the first verse. Then, approach a group member and hold the guitar out for them to strum while you maintain control of the guitar and provide the chord changes. Practice expectant waiting instead of using verbal prompts. An assistant or parent could gently prompt strum by nudging the group member’s arm to encourage strum. With all physical prompting, make it minimal and back off as soon as possible. Ideally, the next time a prompt is needed, it’s even less of a prompt. Move through each group member and end with the facilitator being sung to as well. Be sure to sing, “The End!” upon completion, then immediately move into a transition song.
We encourage you to try our Spanish version of this song.
This song is available for purchase as a single or with the entire album here: and is available for streaming on all the usual platforms.