Music Makes Me Happy

Exciting News: “Music Makes Me Happy” is Now Available in Spanish!

We are overjoyed to share that our uplifting song, Music Makes Me Happy, is now available in Spanish! This song isn’t just a joy to sing—it’s also a powerful tool for achieving key goals in music therapy.

You can find Music Makes Me Happy in Spanish on our website and streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Whether you’re a therapist, caregiver, or someone who loves music, this version makes the song accessible to even more people around the world.

How This Song Supports Therapeutic Growth

1. Encourages Communication

With its repetitive, easy-to-learn lyrics, this song is ideal for clients working on verbal communication skills. Singing along builds confidence, articulation, and expressive language—all in a fun, non-judgmental environment.

2. Boosts Emotional Regulation

The cheerful tone and positive messages create a safe space for emotional expression. Smiles, laughter, and even improvised verses often emerge, helping clients practice grounding and emotional balance.

3. Builds Connection and Social Skills

Whether sung in groups or one-on-one, this song fosters interaction. Clients practice listening, taking turns, and sharing joyful moments, strengthening their social bonds and relationships.

4. Promotes Movement

One of the song’s most engaging features is its invitation to move. Clients can decide how they want to move—dancing, jumping, clapping, or creating their own unique actions. This playful element supports motor skills, physical activity, and self-expression.

Tips for Facilitators:

If your child struggles to decide what makes them happy while singing, try offering a choice from a field of two. For example, kneel in front of their dominant hand and sing, “What makes you happy?” Hold out one hand and suggest “stomping,” then hold out the other and suggest “running.”

Keep your hands equidistant from theirs and give them time—count to ten in your head—before repeating the question. Limiting options to two can prevent overwhelm, making it easier for kids to focus and choose.

To enhance engagement, you can use photos or visuals to represent the options. Label the photos with the activity’s name, which not only supports decision-making but also offers a literacy component for future activities. This guided-choice approach empowers children, keeps the activity fun, and encourages self-expression.

We hope Music Makes Me Happy brings joy and therapeutic growth to all who sing it—no matter the language!

This song is available for purchase as a single or with the entire album here: and is available for streaming on all the usual platforms.




The Hello Song for Therapy