Music Therapy Outreach Week #6: Family Centered Music Therapy Ideas
These two therapists both specialize in music therapy for people on the autism spectrum and combined their expertise in order to provide a 10 week series of music therapy groups for children on the autism spectrum. This Music Therapy Outreach Program is supported, in part, by a generous grant from Autism Speaks.
Word replacement: We want to expand upon the concept of family-centered music therapy: making music at home with your child. Research shows that this practice not only increases the effect of music therapy but also strengthens the relationship you have with your child. One way in which you can engage more musically with your child is to change the lyrics of a familiar song.
0:38 Oh, my head aches (to the tune of Clementine)
1:07 I've been working on my homework (to the tune of I've been working' on the railroad)
With these examples, your child is engaging in receptive learning. They may not necessarily be singing along but they're gaining a lot by receptive listening. They're still receiving keywords around the particular subject about which you're singing and may surprise you later by singing portions of the song in a similar context.
2:07 Crossing midline with This Old Man adaptation
Hello, Marie. How are you? It's time to sing and play songs too. With a pat, clap, pat, stand up and spin around. Stomp, stomp, clap and let's sit down.
If you hear your child singing portions of one of the songs from our groups we encourage you to sing along. If you need help with the words or tune, please feel free to pull it up on your computer.
2:45 Thank you for music