
Music Therapy Outreach Program Week #3: Word Replacement

These two therapists both specialize in music therapy for people on the autism spectrum and combined their expertise in order to provide a 10 week series of music therapy groups for children on the autism spectrum. This Music Therapy Outreach Program is supported, in part, by a generous grant from Autism Speaks.

This week we're going to talk about using the practice of word replacement to expand your child’s vocabulary, communication, and self expression. Within our sessions, there are many times in which you'll see us leave specific words out of songs in order to elicit a response. The structure and predictability of the song plays a huge role in prepping your child to contribute a response.

The words we omit are at significant peaks in the song where your child’s response, whether verbal or through a gesture, will conclude the phrase. For example,

Twinkle, Twinkle

Another example is The Ants Go Marching (at this point we’re looking for a gesture or verbal approximation)

This week we introduced the song, Music Makes Me Happy. Next week we will expand this song in order to include something that makes each group member happy. Here’s what it will look like:

Again, within the structure of this song we’re able to create predictability that helps group members understand their role and increases their confidence and participation.


Music Therapy Outreach Week #2: Rhythmic Based Movement


Music Therapy Outreach Week #4: Using music to help develop motor planning skills